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Our Inaugural Conference, Healing A Traumatized World, has finally become a Reality!

For several years, during annual strategic plan meetings, our ABCSW Board of Directors, brought up the idea of hosting an annual conference for our members. Our goal was to establish a conference where our members, board, and other clinicians could come together to meet, learn, network, re-energize, share ideas and form new friendships, collaborations, and foster professional growth.  

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Don't Despise the Packaging...

                                     "Don't Despise the Packaging...."                                    

I recently watched Robin Roberts from Good Morning America, interview Glori Tuitt and her Mother, Ruthie Tuitt. The topic for that program focused on how members of the LGBTQ+ community have felt abandoned, unaccepted and rejected by their families and by their religion. Fortunately, some are finding their way back. “Don’t despise the packaging” is what GloriTuitt’s Mother, Ruthie Tuitt, said…”Just because it’s not packaged the way in which you feel it should be, does not mean it’s not a blessing..” She goes on to say that her daughter remains a great blessing to her. 

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Happy Social Work Month Clinical Social Workers!

As we celebrate National Superheroes (SW) Month, I am reminded of all the things we do for others…. 

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As we reflect on 2021 and look forward to this brand new year, here are a few things to consider;

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