Happy Social Work Month Clinical Social Workers!
As we celebrate National Superheroes (SW) Month, I am reminded of all the things we do for others….
How we strive to provide the best quality care to our clients on a daily basis.
Of how as clinicians, we do our best to educate, motivate, and empower others.
How we promote independence, share resources, and build coalitions.
We also provide guidance, support, validation and acknowledgement.
Of how we advocate for those who need it, fiercely protect the rights of others,
And celebrate shared /community accomplishments.
We mentor our students/interns/clinical supervisees, and
Work on collaborations, networking and forging partnerships.
We model professional behavior, ethical treatment and ensure our services are fair and accessible.
We work diligently to improve the lives of those we serve, and their families.
Thank you for all you do, day in and day out.
Now, let’s practice what we preach…and do all that for ourselves.. #selfcare
“You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head.
Be kind to yourself. Be your own supporter”... Tiny Buddha